Held from July 29th to August 4th in Athens, Greece, the 19th International Congress on Rheology (ICR2023), “aims at bringing together the world's rheology community to discuss the latest advances and developments in our field”. There will be plenary and keynote lectures, poster presentations, as well as short courses to inform and inspire.

Speaking of inspiring, we are exhibiting our EMS-1000S Viscometer at the Congress, an instrument with a number of applications in the field of rheometry. Make sure to come see one up close and discuss your measurement needs with our friendly representatives. We can’t wait to tell you what the EMS-1000S can do for you!
■Exhibition information
Website: https://www.erasmus.gr/microsites/1221 Date: July 29th to August 4th, 2023 Venue: Hotel Athenaeum Intercontinental, 89-93 Andrea Syggrou Ave.,
115 21 Athens, Greece. www.athenaeum.intercontinental.com
Booth No.: 8